World War Z, the apocalyptic horror novel, directed by Marc Forster has arrived in the cinema yesterday, the 2nd of June 2013. The World premiere was held at the Empire Cinema, Leicester Square in London where a lot of celebrities showed up.




















































The band Muse (Matthew Bellamy,Christopher Wollstenholme and Dominic Howard) made the start on the red carpet at 5 pm. Furthermore the producer Jeremy Kleiner and director Marc Forster attended the Premiere. Ludi Boeken was accompanied by his beautiful daughter Julia Levy. At 5.30 pm the gorgeous looking Angelina Jolie arrived with his fiancé Brad Pitt on the red carpet. The atmosphere was amazing, the fans were getting crazy to see them. Especially because it was her first public appearance after her double mastectomy. Angelina Jolie said “she felt wonderful, the support of her fans meant so much to her” and Brad Pitt admitted that he was “really proud of his wife”. Both spent a long time on the red carpet, giving interviews and making pictures with fans.

In addition the main actress of World War Z, Mireille Enos, playing the wife of Brad Pitt, arrived in a white dress, looking amazing. Other celebrities such as Daniella Kertesz and Peter Capaldi appeared on the red carpet as well. It was a successful Premiere with a memorable atmosphere.













By Natalie Treuter

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