Directed by Dan Hopkins

To view

Hopkins’ production ‘Xanexxx’ is a non-linear short that deals with the chaos and destruction of a Landcrash. It is the description of what is happening in the architecture of Stoke-on-Trent, a city situated halfway between Manchester and Birmingham, the northern area of the West Midlands that is changing rapidly. Stoke-on-Trent may not immediately spring to mind when looking for examples of design or splendour.

‘Xanexxx’ represents the typical example of hybrid-video where you can find a miscellaneous of elements from experimental film, music, live visual manipulation and installation.
This music promo has varied approaches that reflect the history and diversity of individuals practicing of art: styles range from highly technical and refined to easy, lo-fi as performers utilize tools ranging from game consoles and laptops to intricate miniature theatre projections.
Fast architectonic snapshots and x-ray photographs of buildings create, according to the director, an effect of suggestion.

The video performance is all based around the rhythm of the track played by “Music Mountain anonymous” from their album ‘Krknose’, from record label My Kung Fu.

These three English guys live in Cardiff, South Wales. In the beginning the breath of wind is perfectly arranged with electronic sounds. Furthermore “Xanexxx’s video creates a perfect combination between natural and artificial sound contrasts with the architectual chaos of Stoke-on-Trent.

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