By: Sole Marques
It is official, London Film Festival is gone and we want do a review of all the wonderful moments we have lived covering it!

We started the amazing week with A United Kingdom premiere in Odeon Leicester Square. This interracial film caught our hearts since the first moment. It was perfect to open the festival and the fact it was attended on the red carpet by cast and filmmakers with Amma Asante, David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike made it way much interesting.
We followed up the festival attending to La la land Premiere. It was located as the same location as A United Kingdom and the atmosphere was magical. We could be really close to some members of the cast and see how the talented director of this movie, Damien Chazelle, answered some questions to press.

You can click here to see our summary video of this amazing premiere!
The week carried on and we had the great opportunity to interview three fantastic film/documentary directors.

The first one to be interviewed by our team was Steven Cantor, American director and producer who has directed Dancer.
This movie is more than a documentary of a dancer. It shows a passionate and an incredible creative dancer who breaks all the rules about being a ballet dancer. If you want to know more about this film, check our interview with the director of this documentary!
We could sat down for a while with two more directors. Both made stunning documentaries. On the one hand we had an interview with Jon Nguyen, he has captured the intriguing and fascinating life of artist David Lynch and it is more than enthralling.

On the other hand, we had the opportunity to have a phone interview with Benjamin Ree, director of Magnus documentary. We were really surprised about this film, the way this director shows an story based on playing chess is really appealing. We are really grateful about the interview he gave to us and the way he answered all our questions. We just can define him as kind, warm and friendly.
You can see these interviews in our Youtube Channel!
We couldn’t leave the week without attending to the Mayor of Londons Gala which gave us goosebumps. All the celebrities looked gorgeous. We could see a shining Gemma Arterton , the sweetest couple made by Laura Haddock and Sam Claflin and many more celebrities.
You can read in our lasts post more about this gala and how we enjoyed watching the film closed to all these VIPs.

We also enjoyed other premieres in Odeon Leicester Square Red Carpet where many celebrities and VIPs went. This year the organization of this festival has been really positive and we hope everybody who attended has loved it as much as we have!
You can check BFI Web Site to see more pictures about the festival, premieres, red carpets, and check any information you have missed.
We want to thank to British Film Academy of this fanciful festival, we are looking forward to attend next year!!